Start Your Day with Some Mindfulness

Keeping a positive perspective on things is difficult, especially when you are 2 years deep into a global pandemic. Many of the conversations I had during the Holiday break focused on Covid-19, and how much longer it will last.

With the Omicron variant, and the possibility of new variants around the corner, it’s clear that the pandemic is not finished. That means we need a strategy for tackling the new year, a strategy to ensure that we are brining our best selves to the table.

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf!” - Jon Kabat-Zinn

We need to make sure that we are starting each and every day with some optimism. A positive perspective on things really does lead to success. But how can we do this when our lives are busy? Finding the time is difficult.

My advice is to keep it short, and to keep it simple!

I recommend starting each day with a 5-minute mindfulness exercise. Answer the following three statements every morning, right after waking up.

  1. Today, I will focus on…

  2. Today, I am grateful for…

  3. Today, I will let go of…

You can answer them in your head, out loud, or write them down in a journal. But whatever you do, make sure you are specific with the answers you give. Be consistent, answer these simple three statements everyday, and you will ensure that you are starting your day on the right foot!


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